Κυριακή 27 Μαΐου 2012


Si vous étiez des enfants spirituels d'Abraham vous feriez les œuvres d'Abraham... le père spirituel dont • ous êtes issus c'est le diable... Et il n'y a point de vérité en lui.

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Toute la production d'Hollywood l'Infâme... monstrueuse permanente insulte au labeur prolétaire... à toute la vertu prolétarienne... la plus monstrueuse entreprise idéologique de corruption capitaliste... la plus éhontée de tous les âges... Un torrent de navets pourris... bla... bla... bla... Prolétaires! en masses! sifflez toutes ces ordures!... Fuyez les salles obscures, où l'on vous contamine, vous abrutit intégralement, systématiquement!... Ah! Nous ne sommes pas dupes! nous les « responsables » du prolétariat! La pureté prolétarienne doit se raidir contre cet immense danger le souillure! toutes les énergies de saine révolte se trouvent minées par cette mondiale infection!... Toutes ces vedettes, putains surplâtrées dont les salaires astronomiques d'une seule journée de grimaces surpassent bien souvent ceux que touchent plusieurs familles ouvrières misérables! au labeur acharné! pendant des mois!... Quelle honte! Quel défi à notre immense détresse! La collusion des Banques... la complicité des Trusts!... Haro!... Haro!... Cette prostitution, cette dégradation sans vergogne de tous les Arts... de tous les sentiments, ce mercantilisme sacrilège, pourrisseur des élans les plus nobles de la nature humaine... bla... bla... bla... La gangrène cinématographique! Au pilori du peuple!... bla... bla... Nous te retrouverons ma belle! Le complot permanent contre l'esprit sain des masses! bla... bla... bla... le haut idéal des masses '. ... bla... bla... bla...
(266) “The cinema, the global brain octopus…everything is rotten…each darkened room is a sucker of rottenness!…
“The golden calf of Hollywood…arrogant, implanted within its Cinema…‘the global obscenity mill’…blah…blah…”
Who then is this that so instructs us, throughout the length of these columns?… But it is l’Humanité, my dear! …from the good old days! …the lean years! …l’Humanité just before the “Triumph of the masses”…under Jewish leadership… Do you remember it as well?… But the winds change, my beauty, and it is necessary to seize them… And every misfortune befalls he who doesn’t know how to make sense of them!… In October 1937, this same l’Humanité was singing a completely different song, in a completely different chord, with a completely different tone… Regale yourself in what l’Humanité thinks now, of these same Hollywood farce-makers…(in its non-advertising pages)… “Easy Living”(2)
 “Through such genres as Vaudeville the Americans show their preference for naïveté and for candor to the point of vulgarity; it is necessary to satisfy them. These are the qualities which are effected with sufficient grace that they do not entirely kill-off that sapient mind-set, which must let go in order to allow us the most ‘physical’ sort of laughter. Easy Living is thus Vaudevillian, but deliciously so, being as fresh and as comical as one could want. Except for the ‘bedroom scene,’ there isn’t anything which isn’t of a delightful modesty. As for wackiness, it comes into play in such scenes as the one at the automat restaurant, which is in disorder and is being pillaged by the customers, making the scene something of a masterpiece.
As for the story line, it has only one point of departure: following an argument, a rich banker tosses his wife’s fur coat out of a twentieth-story window. The coat falls at the feet of a young lady, the secretary for a children’s magazine. That’s it. But from this point of departure the Americans have drawn every possible consequence with sufficient fantasy to discourage even the most fertile imagination. This coat of the greatest luxury grants the young lady such a mien that, as a consequence of consequences, all of her difficulties evaporate before her. She quickly finds herself being clothed, lodged, and fed for free. Had she been ‘giving the wink, ’things perhaps would not have worked, and it would have been a con job. But since she doesn’t understand anything about what’s happening to her and remains innocent…it’s like a fairy (267) tale. She even meets a prince charming whom she marries at the end, despite all of the tragicomic situations which her adventure undergoes. It’s as though it’s according to the Andersen Review and arranged by the ‘Marx Brothers.’ And Jean Arthur, through her natural gentility, makes it easy for us to believe that everything that happened to Mary Smith pertaining to easy living was well-deserved.”
How cozy they’ve become, those cousins Hollywood and l’Humanité! It’s been positively that LaRocque takes his marching orders from Tardieu…aim is taken, and how there is understanding…as though it were “well in hand”… It’s not the same thing at all!
There hasn’t been any new news in ten years!… Only an idiot never evolves!… It’ll be enough for there one day to be, one little call on the telephone…and you will be brought to an understanding…all of a sudden the miracle is accomplished…and it’ll be the easiest thing in the world… And there you’ll be…with your bare ass sticking up in the air… You have remained among your “masses of masses”…ruminants! …swine!… You understand nothing!…

[1] John 8:44.
[2] This is a review of the light comedic film of 1937.

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